Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Michel Gondry, 2004

Principles of the Moving Image
  1. 10 pages, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font.
  2. Due 3/25/08: One-page topic proposal.
  3. Due 4/01/08: Essay 3 outline.
  4. Due 4/8/08: Bibliography. Minimum of 7 sources in APA style.
  5. Due 4/17/08: Bring a complete rough draft to the in-class writing workshop. Please bring TWO hard copies of your essay.
  6. Include images and/or transcriptions of the film you are analyzing.
  7. ESSAY TOPIC: Compare and contrast film styles.
Select TWO films to compare/contrast in depth.
Select ONE technical aspect. (Select a bullet point from below.)

  • Photography: lighting, lighting key, color value & film stock
  • Framing: camera shots, angles, focus & depth of field
Mise en scene:
  • Composition: dominant, subsidiary contrasts, depth, density
  • Proxemics: camera & character proximity, character placement, staging
  • Narrative kinetics – psychological, stylistic or symbolic movement)
  • Camera movement – handheld, tracking, pan, dolly, tilt, zoom, crane, aerial
  • Mech. distortion – slow/fast motion, time lapse, animation, single frame
  • Cutting to continuity
  • Thematic montage
  • Classical editing
Consider the following questions:
  1. How was the technique developed? Discuss why/how it evolved.
  2. Is this technique closely connected to another technique?
  3. Why is the technique important to the development of movies?
  4. How is the technique used to create meaning? Give classic and alt uses.
  5. What responses does the technique evoke in the viewer?
  6. Is the technique associated with specific movements, authors or styles?
  7. Compare and contrast the technique as it appears in 2 films.

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